Centre for Visual Arts Branding Concept

I am currently a graphic design student at the University Of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). One of the most exciting project so far was branding our department which is Centre for Visual Arts (CVA). All the graphic design students were designing the CVA Brand and I am mines proudly presenting it to you.

A bit more about UKZN

The University of KwaZulu-Natal was formed on 1 January 2004 as a result of the merger between the University of Durban-Westville and the University of Natal. The new university brings together the rich histories of both the former Universities. The University of Durban-Westville was established in the 1960s as the University College for Indians while the Natal University College in Pietermaritzburg was found in 1910, the University of Natal was granted independent University status in 1949 owing to its rapid growth in numbers, its wide range of courses and its achievements in and opportunities for research. By that time, the NUC was already a multi-campus institution, having been extended to Durban after World War 1. The two KwaZulu-Natal universities were among the first batch of South African institutions to merge in 2004 in accordance with the government’s higher educational restructuring plans that will eventually see the number of higher educational institutions in South Africa reduced from 36 to 21

UKZN is now one of the biggest learning institution in South Africa and it is internationally recognised, by 2007 the total enrolment was 37 850 and by 2016 the enrolment went up to 46 539.

UKZN currently have a portfolio of five campuses located in different locations. Each one of these campuses is assigned to one color, namely; Edgewood Campus – Red, Howard College – Orange, Medical School – Yellow, Pietermaritzburg Campus – Green and Westville Campus – Blue. Each Campus except for Medial School is divided into four colleges which are a College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science, College of Health Sciences, College of Humanities and lastly the College of Law and Management Studies. Each of these Colleges are further divided into a number of schools and each Schools are also divided into Departments.

Centre for Visual Arts is a department of Arts which is under the School of Arts. School of Arts is under the College of Humanities as mentioned above. This Hierarchy is explained so you can clearly understand the position of CVA. The CVA department is found only in Pietermaritzburg Campus, which is color coded as green.

University of KwaZulu-Natal Logo

UKZN logo is made up of a shield, half of a world globe and different coloured sun rays which represent each five campuses, more over all these elements are standing over an open book.
Centre for Visual Arts Logo

The CVA logo took the color palette of the UKZN logo as too portray the continuous or rather the uniformity of having five campuses. This logo added a tri-angle in A and used green as the CVA department is only found in Pietermaritzburg Campus only. Also the triangle is used because it represents African patterns and the forever forward movement of art in Africa and all around the world. Moreover CVA logo have a ground of an oval shaped color palette board within the C of CVA.


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